Ronald McDonald House Charities© Mission partner since 1974
McDonald’s played a vital role at the inception of the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House, the first Ronald McDonald House in the world, that opened October 15, 1974. More than 50 years later, Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) and our local McDonald’s owner/operators remain committed to supporting our programs.
Ronald McDonald House Charities is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, not a corporate charity, but McDonald’s is one of their corporate donors. McDonald’s is the founding mission partner of RMHC. RMHC creates, finds and supports programs that directly improve the health and well being of children. Through its global network of local Chapters in 63 countries and regions, its three core programs, the Ronald McDonald House, Ronald McDonald Family Room and Ronald McDonald Care Mobile, and millions of dollars in grants to support children’s programs worldwide, RMHC provides stability and resources to families so they can get and keep their children healthy and happy. All RMHC-supported programs provide a bridge to quality health care and give children and families the time they need together to heal faster and cope better.
The Ronald McDonald House of Fort Worth (RMHFW) is an independent 501(c)(3). The annual operating budget for the RMHFW is over $3.2 million, of which approximately 10% is donated from McDonald’s Restaurants through the Ronald McDonald House Charities of North Texas. The remainder of the budget is funded through donations from foundations, corporations and individuals and from special events hosted through the year.
McDonald’s involvement extends beyond monetary support:
While McDonald’s is one of our corporate donors, no company can solely fund RMHFW programs and our projected growth. We need the support of the entire community and greatly value any support you can afford to RMHFW, whether it’s through cash donations, your time or fundraising efforts.